My Love for You Is Hungry as the Sea

My love for you is hungry as the sea:
As turbulent, as tidal, as forlorn;
As deep with unrequited mystery;
As elemental, vast, and tempest-torn.
No mountain is more awesome and enduring;
No moon so full of passion for the light;
No garden more forbidden or alluring;
No watchman more acquainted with the night.
I've learned such love leaves me with little pleasure,
Nor does it die from lack of recompense.
It is from birth a precious, haunted treasure,
Long buried just beyond my innocence.
It is a treasure I now offer you:
That you are loved regardless what you do

by Nicholas Gordon

Hari ini saya dapat dapat sebuah buku berjudul Ketika Al Qur'an Berbicara Tentang Ibu dari Khansa. Buku itu Khansa beli dari sebuah toko kecil didekat sekolahnya.
Terima kasih ya sayang, tolong selalu do'akan Ibu agar bisa menjadi ibu yang baik untuk kalian.

Selamat Hari Ibu...


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